Tax Sale Properties in Black River-Matheson, Ontario

Launch You may have noticed that the Township has started some much-needed improvements to the Boat Launch area in Matheson. This involves adding services such as water, sewer, hydro and gas. The old Canoe Club building is being moved slightly and placed on a new foundation. When finished, the building will house public washrooms and a small kitchen. The intent is to have the public washrooms open all year to accommodate not only our residents that frequent the waterfront but the many tourists that come to Black River-Matheson to enjoy all we have to offer. This is just phase one. Phase two hopefully will be shoreline conservation with retaining wall and upgrading landscaping to further beautify the area. We plan to hold small events to help create and maintain a better quality of place and life for all to enjoy. Phase one of the project is expected to be completed by the end of September 2018.

Source: Black River-Matheson

Treasurer Information

Latest Tax Sale Properties in Black River-Matheson, Ontario