- $12,964.32
- Inactive
Augusta Township, a community of opportunities, truly is a great place to live and work and to enjoy life’s many pleasures. Augusta is one of the oldest townships in Ontario with roots dating back to the 1700’s. Here you will find historic houses and ultra-modern estates. Augusta communities include Algonquin, Domville, Maitland, Maynard, North Augusta and Roebuck. The township is home to many attractions including the Homewood Museum, the Blue Church, Point au Baril, Maplehurst Manor, a burgeoning garden trail featuring the Garden of Hope and Van Berlo Gardens, the Rothesay dive site and events and festivals such as Antique Wheels in Motion and the North Augusta Labour Day Festival.
Source: Augusta
Augusta Township, 3560 County Road 26, R. R. #2, Prescott, ON K0E 1T0