Tax Sale Property in L’Assomption, Quebec
Rue Notre-Dame, Saint-Sulpice, Québec
AN: 1776-59-6720 ‐ LN: 3 731 105

Property Unique ID: RAgBr8jx

  • Status: Inactive
  • Sale Type: Public Auction
  • Tax sale date: Jun 09, 2022
  • Release date: Apr 13, 2022
  • Province: Quebec
  • Municipality: L’Assomption
  • Address: Rue Notre-Dame, Saint-Sulpice, Québec
  • AN: 1776-59-6720
  • LN: 3 731 105
  • Property size: Unknown
  • Zoning: Unknown
  • Near water? Yes
  • Property on a lake or a bay or a river? Yes
  • Waterfront? Yes
  • Accessible by public/private road? Yes
  • House or cottage on the property? No
  • Other structure on the property? Unknown
  • Farmland? No
  • Residential? Unknown
  • Commercial or industrial? Unknown
  • Vacant land? Unknown
  • Redeemable 12 months
Title Search Report

Title Search Report

Do you want to know everything about the property before buying it?

Find out what mortgages, liens, etc. will affect the property after the tax sale.

The listed price is for a single pin; for multiple pins within a tax sale, reach out to us to determine the cost of a title search.

Available only for active tenders

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Minimum Bid

$352.76  CAD

Assessed Value



  • Property Unique ID: RAgBr8jx
  • Published: April 20, 2022

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AVIS PUBLIC, est par les présentes donné par la soussignée, Nathalie Deslongchamps, greffière-trésorière adjointe de la Municipalité régionale de comté de L'Assomption que les lots ci-après mentionnés, seront vendus à l'enchère publique, le JEUDI, NEUVIÈME JOUR DU MOIS DE JUIN 2022, À 10:00 HEURES, à la salle du Conseil de la Municipalité régionale de comté de L'Assomption, au 300-A, rue Dorval, en la Ville de L'Assomption, pour les cotisations et taxes dues aux corporations municipale et scolaire, ci-après mentionnées, sur les divers lots, ci-après décrits, si ces diverses cotisations et taxes ne sont pas payées, avec les frais et les intérêts, avant le jour fixé pour la vente.


Tout adjudicataire devra s’identifier en présentant deux pièces d’identité dont une avec photo. S’il s’agit d’une personne morale ou compagnie, le mandataire la représentant devra remettre en plus, une résolution l’autorisant à enchérir.

L’adjudication des immeubles sera faite sous réserves des exigences de la règlementation municipale relative à l’urbanisme, avec les bâtisses y dessus érigées s’il y a lieu, le tout tel qu’ils se trouvent présentement et incluant toutes servitudes actives ou passives, apparentes ou occultes pouvant les affecter. Les immeubles sont vendus sans aucune garantie légale, notamment de contenance, de qualité du sol et de bâtiment et ils sont acquis aux risques et périls de l’acheteur.

Le jour de la vente pour taxes, les frais de vente occasionnés à la MRC seront ajoutés au total des taxes impayées inscrites ci-dessous. De plus, des frais de distribution (3%), les frais de greffier (tarif judiciaire), les taxes provinciales et fédérales si applicables seront ajoutés au prix de l’adjudication, le tout étant payable immédiatement à défaut de quoi l’immeuble sera remis en vente (mandat poste, chèque visé ou traite bancaire libellé à l’ordre de la MRC DE L’ASSOMPTION).

Veuillez prendre note qu’en raison des normes en vigueur, toute personne qui désire assister ou participer devra respecter les mesures sanitaires et de distanciation prescrites par la Santé publique du Québec.

Legal Description

Matricule : 1776-59-6720; Roger SHEEHY; Adresse : Rue Notre-Dame, Saint-Sulpice, Québec; Lot : 3 731 105; Taxes : 352,76 $

Location on Map

Rue Notre-Dame, Saint-Sulpice, Québec

Quebec tax sale properties buyer's guide

Before you go for a tax sale public auction consider the following:

Before you make a final decision to buy a tax sale property, be aware of the following: 

The municipality does not hold the title of the estate or any other matter concerning the lands to be sold. The property value can be much higher or much less than the minimum bid. 

It is up to you to examine this property to see if it is a good investment and to investigate the statutory requirements and tax sale provisions. 

Therefore, we highly recommend you to check the title and executions to see what will stay on the title and become your duty after the execution. Is the property subject to attributable holders' easements, limits and/or adverse possession? Do the condition of the property, land use, zoning, etc. fit into your property plans? 

  1. This process is buyer beware. You must undertake due diligence with respect to all aspects of the property.

Therefore, it is important to do your homework before a public auction. 

  1. You may drive past the property, but site visits are not available.

Thanks for your patience while I finished this up! See all documents attached with Track Changes; there's also a couple small comments where I had questions about what you wanted. My comments are in purple and the text is highlighted in yellow. Let me know if you have questions! Thanks, 


  1. There is no vacant possession. The successful bidder will not receive a key to the property. The successful bidder is responsible for the eviction process if necessary.
  2. You should check if there are any Federal or Provincial liens on title. We recommend you do a title search before going for a public auction.

A Title Search Report can be ordered from the tender page on It'll be ready in 1-2 business days. 

  1. You should investigate zoning, planning or building restrictions, and work orders.

Some municipal websites have a "Find Your Zoning" page, where you can find out zoning by the roll number. And, of course, you can always go to City Hall and do your research. 

  1. You are responsible for any environmental concerns if there are contamination issues with the property.
  2. We recommend retaining a lawyer to protect your interests before submitting a bid.

In order to determine what interests will affect a property after a tax sale, you will need to obtain an up-to-date title search report. Members can order reports directly from our site. An in-house title report specialist will prepare a "Title Search Report" in simple, easy-to-understand language. The Report will tell you if any encumbrances will remain against the property after the tax sale. 

By having a Title Search Report updated 1-2 business days before the auction is going to be held, you will be able to see if any new mortgages or other significant interests against the property have been registered since your first search was conducted. You might find that they have and decide not to go for a public auction. 

  1. Decide how much you are willing to pay for the property

Since the tax sale is held as a public auction, others will likely be bidding. The person with the highest bid will be permitted to purchase the property. No one else will be given the opportunity to make the purchase. You should decide the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a tax sale. The amount has to be no less than the minimum bid set per property.