Tax Sale Properties in Yorkton, Saskatchewan

You'll find our growing city of 20,000 in east-central Saskatchewan. Yorkton is the retail and service centre for more than 200,000 residents of the eastern part of our province, and western Manitoba.

Our Almanac fills you in on things like weather, laws, taxes and time zones; gives an overview of the local economy; and provides information about the province of Saskatchewan.

Getting to Yorkton is never a problem, not with three major highways crossing in the city. The TransCanada Yellowhead (Highway 16) spans four provinces, three time zones, and more than 3,000 kilometres of western Canadian scenery and sights, earning it a reputation as one of the world's great drives. The Saskota Flyway (Highway 9) is known as the International Road to Adventure, because it takes you from Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan, all the way south to Bismarck, North Dakota and beyond, along the way passing through northern forest, prairie parkland, vast stretches of wheat-production, not to mention parks and coal mining country. Highway 10 is the main road to Regina, Saskatchewan's capital city. It also leads through historic Fort Qu'Appelle and the scenic Qu'Appelle Valley.


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